1. External Picture - side view.
b. Smells like death and sadness. Feels rubbery and wrinkly, and it looks like Babe, Pig in the City.
b. Smells like death and sadness. Feels rubbery and wrinkly, and it looks like Babe, Pig in the City.
2. External Picture - tummy view.
It is male because it lacks the small projection below the tail that would indicate it as female.
Fetal Pig Inner.
3. Internal Anatomy; Abdominal Cavity.
4. Internal Anatomy; Thoracic Cavity.

5. Internal Anatomy; Heart, Lungs, Liver, Stomach & Small Intestine.
Heart Labelling.
Discussion :
1. The fetal pig dissection was interesting, to say the least. I thought the pig would be a lot larger than it was, and that surprised me a little. I didn't except it to be so small/young, or that it would even still have the umbilical cord still attached. It was a very interesting to see that the internal anatomy was easier to understand, as it was more similar to human anatomy, and therefore a valuable learning experience. With systems placed so easily, it was very simple to see how the system were interconnected.
1. The fetal pig dissection was interesting, to say the least. I thought the pig would be a lot larger than it was, and that surprised me a little. I didn't except it to be so small/young, or that it would even still have the umbilical cord still attached. It was a very interesting to see that the internal anatomy was easier to understand, as it was more similar to human anatomy, and therefore a valuable learning experience. With systems placed so easily, it was very simple to see how the system were interconnected.